Learn Language With Confidence


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Method to Study and Memories Easily.

These memorization tips will help you exercise your mind and improve memories.

    1. Organize space.
- At the time of study first manage a study environment mean a blank space(area) it will help you make a centralization to the study focus on what you doing. Space is neccesary to study with varaties of items and make a suitable study area or workspace. Highly recomending medium space to study widely and medium area is not conjusted. Small room is not fitable than medium room where the air coming easily from outside.

2.   Think a visualize of .
- Keep in mind what you are studying and visualize the info. every what. This task is not easy, the task say to always busy on your study always think and make visulatization of the chapter in your mind to remember forever. It mean keep your mind busy on your study focus them and create a visualize.

3.  Use acronyms
- Short form long form and make how you can remember it easily. Its your own task to complete a short form summary of the study so you can find easily what is next chapter and where to find abt any questions answers.

4.  Use image name
- There may be so many images and graphs keep its name different to feature remembers. You can create a name on chapter wise with some extra code to remember easily. You can use image name with datewise, classwise, chapterwise or everything included in each code.

5. Use technique.
-  Use technique to memory it one by one in sequential chain. Example ; If you want remember the more than 40 names or district name then you can use only first letter of each to remain and you can make a short poem with the first letter of each district name . So you can rmember easily.

6. Learn by doing.
- It is most important to do study with practical. You should remember it easy. According to research "A student read about the theory and do them to the lab will always remember than the student who only study on papers." Always study as practical or do the practical of every theory to remember for always.

7.  Study in different environment and in different places.
- It is also a most useful tips to study.

8. Revise the chapter.
- Revision is one another important part always repeat the text keep it your a regular habbit.

9. Make schedule for the study.
- Schedule make you a professional reader so print a schedule and mount to the wall.

Best of Luck