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Sunday, October 3, 2021

challenges to study in foreign countries

People always want to do work that is out of their limitations. Education is a very important element in a person's life. It is the only way that they can change the present situation so that they want to give the best in the study. There is a saying to best we have to learn from the best. So every year a lot of children look for the best university abroad. However, to find heaven we have to die first it means there are various challenges to study in foreign countries which are described below.

1)Differences in languages: The foremost is the languages. It is very difficult to cope with an individual who is from his or her mother tongue. For living, communication plays a very important role. For example, if the person from Nepal went to China then he or she does not know the language, and from the landing to the airport in China, it will be very difficult to find the room, University destination. If he or she goes to the Supermarket and it will be very difficult to conversation with the cashier at the counter. So the only way to overcome this problem he or she should learn the languages of that country which he or she wants to apply. It took almost 6month to learn the basics of any language. In this generation, there are various apps available in the market so we can learn the language at home at any time.

2)Apart from the loved ones: We human beings have various kinds of emotional states like happiness, sorrow, anger, etc. Abroad, we will become lonely most of the time due to the emotionally weak so he or needs support from our loved ones but it cannot be possible so in recent years 60% of students are suffering from depressions because of the lack of proper guidance and support. Most of the students got into this addiction so it can be recovered by making clubs like coffee clubs, food clubs, language clubs, gym clubs so that we cannot be alone and can get the opportunity to learn some skills too.

4)Cultural barrier: Different countries have different cultural values and traditions Western countries follow Christianity most whereas Most of the Asian is Hindu. Our ancestors made different cultural according to their lifestyle. For example, Asian students if they reach a western country like the USA,  Canada, will feel odd to cope up with that cultural environment. From wearing a cloth to eating different nations have their way to serve their God and goddess so it is very difficult to adopt such kinds of the environment so they can solve this problem, international students can solve the problem by exchanging their culture to another fellow by inviting friends and people to their festival and also participating their festival too.

5)Financial: It is very important to have a financial position strong. Many students get rejected due to having weak financial positions. In a foreign country, the tuition fees are very high, and also we have to pay extra tax than the national ones. The student took an educational loan at a very high interest rate so they get great tension to focus on their study it hampers their career too neither they complete the study nor they pay their loan. So to overcome this quagmire Students can give the exam set by the country for the scholarship like SAT, GRE so that they can get financial help from the university and can also chase a dream without any tension and paying any penny.

6)Accommodation: There is a saying that health is wealth for that to find the right accommodation is very important but in abroad with connection to find the right accommodation with all facilities is quite impossible so that for university students dorm is the best way for 1-year because after getting knowledge about the area and friends student can easily find the rental room so they save a lot of money.

7)Taste of good: The brain takes maximum time to adapt to the taste. In the world, there are different kinds of dishes available but to adapt every ingredient is like cracking the mountains with one hand. This is the foremost challenge for every student to adopt the food. Countries like Nepal, India, China eat very salty and spicy food but people from the USA eat less spicy and eat the boiled food. So that this dissimilarity in the food may become a big hurdle for the students. So that international students can share a room with a friend who is from the same nation so that they can make the food on their own and can match the taste also.

8)Adaptation of the teaching technique: Every country has their way of teaching and grading and credit hour too so that he or she may find it difficult to understand the information from the professor so that it will be a great impact on their grading too. Hence, as English is the International language but the tons is different from person to person so that it is very difficult to understand what the teacher wants to expound and students can feel in making the notes so they start to take tuition so it will become the extra expenses for them.

On the balance, Today is difficult tomorrow, awill be more difficult but after that they there will be a miracle so that there are challenges in a study abroad but also opportunities waiting for the door moreover above challenge should be first analyzed by the Student before they ponder to study in a foreign country after tackling this challenge s only they can survive easily in abroad.

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