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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Children missing in india is going higher. One Child los in every eight minute

There is a saying that children are the symbol of God but in the country, India children, are missing every 8 minutes from the different state. So the question is that where children, been taken and why they are departed from the family. The missing children are mostly found doing the labor in the factories, prostitution, roadside so this topic is very crucial to observe. The data reveals how the year by year the children missing rate and tracing rate is fluctuating and that shows the shocking result.

The children are missing highly from the small town as well as big cities. The children mostly missing from places like Rajasthan(1,016), Dehli(1,828), Uttar Pradesh(804) according to the data compiled from RTIs. The children are disturbed in big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and so on. On Average 174 children missing every day. And during this pandemic the rate increases in a rocket way. According to the state in 2019 the highest missing case was from Madhya Pradesh with 11,022cases. More than 5000 missing cases, reported from West Bengal, Bihar, and Dehli, respectively. The total number of children missing has increased by 16.39%in five years in India. In 2015 the number of missing cases of girls was 36,595 and the number of missing cases of boys was 23,848. But according to 2019, the number of girls missing was 73,138, and the number of boys missing was 21,074. The research shows that the children are missing from places where there is the family economic condition is very weak. And do not able to fulfill the basic needs. So they do not go to the police station for help it gives motivation to the traffickers and the kidnappers to take the children away from the family. 

Children trafficking becomes easy money for the people. They look for the children from the village who are not aware of human rights and even child right. Children who were missing in most cases take them to the country like Arab, Dubai, etc, and sell them illegally. They work in house as the servant in many cases they get tortured child missing includes half of the girls in comparison to the boy.  According to 2018, the number of missing girls was 47,191, while the number of boys was 19,784. Along with the data 2019, the number of child missing girl 52,049  and the number of boys were 21,074. kidnapped and taken to them in the red light area for sale. Even they sell the children in many factories in which the owner doesn't pay money according to their hard work. Even traffickers made the group of the children and let them go on the roadside to beg the money so this is directly considered child labor. As in India boy child consider as the symbol of happiness in many areas so from the hospital many boys' children were taken and sale them to the rich family who wants a boy child. Even many children get kidnapped for the money they do the blackmail for the parents and asked for the huge money. Only about 71,253 children out of 1.2lakh children were traced. The tracing rate is increasing tremendously such that the improvement was 60percent in 2019. In 2015 missing case was 102,790, in 2016 missing case was 111,569, in 2017 missing case was 118,971, in 2018 missing case was 115,656, in 2019 missing case was 119,617.  And the number of children traced in 2015 is 54,449, in 2016 children traced was 55,944, in 2017 the number of children traced was 70,440, in 2018 the number of children traced was 71,176, in 2019 the number of children traced was 71,253.

Furthermore, the traced children were sent to their biological parents and handover to them. But in some cases, they deny accepting the children because of the weak economic conditions, in this case, the various NGOs and INGOs come in front and adopted such children and help them to provide the basic needs like food, shelter, clothes as well as quality education for the personal development. To trace the children takes a month or year so the police and several organizations working patiently so such organizations should be awarded by the government for such work so that other people also get inspire and stand up to help the missing children. According to the estimation, the number of missing children is expected to increase in 2020.  Because of the pandemic, the reports show that the missing children rise rapidly because in the factory the demand for laborers increased all the workers moved to the home town so the owner demands most of the children for the child labor in which he/she do not have to pay the money they deserve. Furthermore to reduce the child missing by keeping in the mind of poor families who are economically weak government set the helpline numbers which are available for 24*7 hours.CIF(Child India Foundation)is the social welfare organization of the Union Ministry of women and Child Development, which are working for the rescue of children and conduct the various program that helps to make aware the people about child trafficking. Similarly, another institute also equally participating in the rescue of children who were missed by their lovable ones. Hence this is the initial step for the control of child missing. For dealing with the judicial, case the SOP plays a great role Similarly The Ministry of Women and Child Development also hearty open hand for the sponsorship of Child Protection Services (CPS) for supporting the children. The government should support such kinds of organizations that are working for the protection of child life and protecting from quagmire life.  

The government also trying to solve this problem by documentary videos on the dish channels, tv channels and many NGOs, INGOs are working there.

The illiteracy rate is also high in India in comparison to the other Asian country, so the report shows that most of the children are missing from the family who is from below average in income rather than the middle class and rich family. To control this the more organization should conduct awareness programs in every corner of the state like Rajasthan, Bihar where the child missing case is maximum. Therefore the children are the backbone of the nation if we improve today's child life coming days the country's status will be improved. They should be nurtured carefully for the better life of the nation. There is a saying that we should always remember first that what you contribute to the nation rather than what the country contributed to you. On the balance we all individuals duty to protect the child's life.

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